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Your Choice Of Blessings

I am deeply committed to offering you and your family tools, not just for survival, but for flourishing your God given gifts of spiritual awareness and sensitivity. You are a unique individual with extraordinary stories to tell the world. Together, we will co-create fairy tales of overcoming, and thriving.


As an empath, I wish I were given the tools of insight and awareness I will share with you as a child. We will explore the nature and nurture of Divine Signatures during personalized Compassion Key sessions. Creator has shown me that all that has been created comes with a unique, Divine Signature. For instance, the sunflower comes with the Divine Signature of Joy. Imagine a field of sunflowers. Have you noticed how the sunflower turns her face towards the sun? Facing one direction in the morning only to be poised in the opposite direction by the afternoon as she shares her gift of Joy with all.


During a Compassion Key session, we will explore where you need support, trace back to your earliest recollection of the uncomfortable feeling, and direct your compassion to the wounded aspects of yourself. This allows for integration and clears the lens of your life allowing positive shifts to occur naturally and miraculously. Your compassion is a powerful force on the planet. Your compassion holds  key to your own healing and salvation; to the joy, happiness and well-being of those closest to you and whose lives you touch most deeply; as well as to the happiness, enlightenment, and perhaps even the survival of humankind. "It is aspired to as the noblest quality of the human heart, the motivation underlying all meditative paths of healing and liberation. Compassion is a multi-textured response to pain, sorrow and anguish. It includes kindness, empathy, generosity and acceptance. The strands of courage, tolerance, equanimity are equally woven into the cloth of compassion. Above all compassion is the capacity to open to the reality of suffering and to aspire to its healing. The Dalai Lama once said, ‘If you want to know what compassion is, look into the eyes of a mother or father as they cradle their sick and fevered child'”. (Feldman &Kuyken, 2011)


My children are also sensitives. I bring real life experience to light. Symphony of Eden was birthed after listening to Spirit and learning tools that brought transformation, safety, and miracles to my own life. Thank you for the unique gift of your presence to the world. You are a one of a kind, divine snowflake expression of God. Conducting a symphony of healing energies, lets collaborate together to allow you to shine to your fullest potential!

"A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense - and she arrives at her destination prepared to BE herself - and ONLY herself." ~Maya Angelou




A once a month, online group experience utilizing guided meditation, healing, and transmissions. We will learn and experience with at least one healing tool and Divine Signature in depth. We will explore the inner dimensions and realities of healing Grace as we ground into God. We may also transverse the different layers of the earth and other healing modalities designed to awaken and refine your physical and subtle energy bodies.


* $27.00

Honoring Life


One Compassion Key session with Divine Signatures and other healing modalities woven in as directed by Creator to honor your life expression.

* $180.00

Peace Like a River
Three Compassion Key sessions with Divine Signatures and other healing modalities woven in as directed by Creator to allow your life to flow like a river.
* $225.00
Five Compassion Key sessions with Divine Signatures and other healing modalities woven in as directed by Creator to integrate miracles into your life.
* $375.00


Nine Compassion Key sessions with Divine Signature and other healing modalities woven in as directed by Creator to transform your life.
* $750.00
Abundant Love Miracles
Twelve Compassion Key sessions with Divine Signatures and other healing modalities woven in as directed by Creator to bless and heal your life.
* $1200.00
Abundant Love Miracles Course
The Abundant Love Miracles Course is an online group class for anyone wishing to experience a shift in perception that allows integration and experiments with miracles in many areas and and expressions of our life.
* $497.00 per quarter
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